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Working Paper Series no. 281: Price, Wage and Employment Response to Shocks: Evidence from the WDN Survey


This paper analyses information from survey data collected in the framework of the Eurosystem's Wage Dynamics Network (WDN) on patterns of firm-level adjustment to shocks. We document that the relative intensity and the character of price vs. cost and wage vs. employment adjustments in response to cost-push shocks depend - in theoretically sensible ways - on the intensity of competition in firms' product markets, on the importance of collective wage bargaining and on other structural and institutional features of firms and of their environment. Focusing on the pass-through of cost shocks to prices, our results suggest that the pass-through is lower in highly competitive firms. Furthermore, a high degree of employment protection and collective wage agreements tend to make this pass-through stronger.

Giuseppe Bertola, Aurelijus Dabusinskas, Marco Hoeberichts, Mario Izquierdo, Claudia Kwapil, Jeremi Montornès and Daniel Radowski
May 2010

Classification JEL : J31, J38, P50

Keywords : Wage bargaining, Labour-market institutions, Survey data, European Union.

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Working Paper Series no. 281: Price, Wage and Employment Response to Shocks: Evidence from the WDN Survey
  • Published on 05/01/2010
  • EN
  • PDF (594.23 KB)
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Updated on: 06/12/2018 11:00